Project Background
MODERN INDUSTRIES FACTORY -DAMMAM in 2020 to provide consulting services to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the various applications currently in use for Plant Facilities Maintenance. There are five major tasks included with this project:- 1. Current Environment Fact-Finding and Analysis
- 2. Request for Proposals (RFP) Development
- 3. System Selection
- 4. Contract Negotiation Assistance
- 5. Implementation Planning
Project Objectives
The Client has identified an opportunity for greater operational efficiency through the acquisition of an up-to-date and integrated PFM software system. As a result, the Client contracted with Client to provide the following system selection services:The Client desires the following outcomes to be realized at the conclusion of the system selection and implementation projects:
• Eliminate the Client’s reliance on outdated technology
• Evaluate, select, and implement software systems on time and within budget
• Identify, select, and implement functionality similar or better than that provided by current legacy systems During the execution of these tasks, Overseas has conducted on-site fact-finding activities including meetings with Client staff, developed a strategy document, presented the strategy document to Client leadership, and developed functional and technical requirements.